“A Heartwarming Tale of a Man’s Dedication to Caring for 800 Stray Dogs, Even Sleeping with Them on the Table”

The pain of losing a beloved pet can be unbearable for many. Even those who manage to move forward are often left with a heavy heart. Nevertheless, there are individuals who excel in such tough circumstances and Antonio, a 58-year-old Brazilian man, is a prime example.

A guy quit his job so he could make his land a haven for puppies that needed help. Antonio scoured the streets and even slept there to locate stray dogs that had been deserted. He ended up rescuing 800 of them, which means he now needs to ensure that he has enough funds to provide them with food and proper care.

Antonio shared that his dog devours around 200 kilos of food daily along with medical supplies and medications. To prepare the enormous amount of dog food, there are two employees and a cook. Despite the significant responsibility, Antonio expressed that he never has any regrets regarding his decision.

The shelter relies on donations to keep it going, which is amazing! Be sure to check out the video down below.

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