The scary story about the tragic end of a poor dog who was cruelly abandoned by his owner on the train tracks.ThuHa

Philly Rescue Angels is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to rescuing and taking care of abandoned dogs. However, one case they recently handled gained a lot of attention due to its disturbing nature. The incident began when the employees of the organization discovered a severely injured puppy left abandoned on a railroad in Pennsylvania late at night. The dog, named Lucky, was unable to move, and his back leg was paralyzed. At first, they assumed that Lucky had been hit by a train, but it was soon discovered that his former owners had caused the injuries intentionally. It appeared that they left him near the tracks to hide the fact that they had hurt him and used the train to cover up their cruel actions.

Interestingly, a leash and a collar that was not properly fastened were discovered at the scene. This added to the suspicion that the poor dog was deliberately harmed.

Lucky was rushed to a vet clinic as soon as his complex spinal cord injury was discovered. The medical team is currently providing him with the best care possible. While he will undergo surgery, it is only aimed at alleviating his pain. Unfortunately, Lucky’s spine cannot be reconstructed due to the extent of the damage.

The puppy’s chances of survival are uncertain due to the severe infected scrapes, damaged teeth, and potential spinal injuries that could result in a fatal outcome. Lucky’s treatment and recovery costs range between $15,000 and $35,000, but the team is optimistic that they will be able to gather sufficient funds through donations to cover the expenses and help the dog overcome these difficulties. The rescue team has demonstrated unwavering commitment to saving the puppy’s life, and they vow to continue fighting for his well-being. “He fought for his life, and we will fight for him,” Son concluded.

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